Furch-Diaoulek release 2.04.00
for Linux, Win7 and Windows 10.


Version 1.7 of software Furch-Diaoulek was the last one using the GTK2 graphical library. It was published at the end of 2016 and can be still downloaded here :
The present version is using the GTK3 graphical library. In version 2.4 the "normal" mode to learn a lesson was completed and many bugs have been corrected. You can now shift at will from a random interrogation to a compact display of the lesson. The leaving and recording of the lesson has also been much simplified.

Diaoulek's Gallery

You will find here some screen-shots of software Diaoulek with comments.

Here you have the documentation for

the software Furch-Diaoulek 2.04

Documentation :

You will find here a quick introduction in English to Software Furch-Diaoulek version 2.04 It is strongly recommended to spend some time to study this documentation. Software Furch-Diaoulek is becoming more and more complicated and simple intuition is not enough anymore.

This guide starts from the configuration given to you by the Windows installer (unfortunately I was not able to create a "Snap" package for Linux). It will show you how to make a copy of your former lessons and how to update them. You can download a .pdf version of the Quick Start guide here :
Quick-Start-FurchDiaou-en2-4.pdf (2.6 Mo)

You will find in the Quick-Start guide a few screen-shots showing some visual aspects of the software. The use of the buttons is explained. You will also learn how to create your own lessons for Diaoulek, simple lessons as well as more elaborate ones. With Furch you will click on words of a displayed text in Breton or English and obtain the translation of these words into French.
At last, a few advices on how to use the software are given.

You can also download some other documentation in .pdf here :
Userguide-Diaou-en1-4.pdf (3.8Mo)

You can find below the downloads for software Furch-Diaoulek release 2.04.00

Warning :

This software has been tested and should work on your computer but packaging is prone to errors. Some DLL and files may be missing.

Report any difficulty. Of course your comments, corrections and suggestions for improvements will be welcome. To join me look here

Software Diaoulek is released under a GPL license.

It is recommended to update your lessons by the order " !update " every 3 or 4 months or each time something new is announced on the RSS feed.

Link yourself to the RSS feed to be told when there is something new !

Download section for Windows :

Here is the complete procedure for WINDOWS 7 and WINDOWS 10.
(Try it and let me know the result, specially for the various versions of Windows 10)
Attention the .dll libraries will not work on Win98SE, Win 2000 or Win XP !
Remark : This new version 2.04 is for 32 or 64 bits machines. It was compiled on Win7 with the MSYS2 software and is using the graphical library GTK3.

Installation of Furch-Diaoulek 2.04

Before downloading the Windows installer, it is strongly recommended to download and read at least the first pages of the Quick Start guide :
Quick-Start-FurchDiaou-en2.4.pdf (2.6 Mo)

This tutorial will spare you a lot of time during the learning phase of this new version of the software. If you were using a former version, it will show you how to copy back your old lessons and their results of study. It will also show you how to update almost automatically your lessons and how to study languages other than Breton.

For the installation of software Furch-Diaoulek, you have 4 steps.

1) Download the Windows installer :
FDiaoulek32-2-04-00.setup.exe (15.6 Mo)
(Verify the md5 sum= 40bbc8bdedb902a5d2dbdb52b6ce6fef )
Have a double-click on this file and let you guide by the installer. Be careful, for Win7, you should install the software into User\your_login_name which is a folder where you have all the read/write permissions (your login name should not contain white spaces or accentuated letters).
For Win10, you can proceed like for Win7 but you can also let the software install itself into a system folder like "Program Files (x86)" because, in any way, as it is not a signed software (approximative cost 200$), you will be obliged to launch the execution with administrator privileges. The advice : no accentuated letters in the user name remains true.
You will obtain in a directory FDiaou32-2-04-00 a version "light" of the software, but still a fully functional one. You can even create this directory on a USB key.
Uninstalling FDiaoulek is very simple, you only have to suppress the directory FDiaou32-2-04-00 and all what is inside.

2) In order to learn how to use the new version of the software, you should follow the indications given into the Quick-Start guide.

3) If you never used a previous version or if you want to forget your old records, go directly to step 4.

3-1) If you installed and made use of a previous version.
Obviously, you want to recover your former records and your lessons (particularly those which you have created yourself).
Before downloading any lesson, start a Diaoulek session by a double click on the file diaou32.exe or on the picture which is on the screen. Now, in the command line at the top of the left window, you simply need to type :
!import full_path_towards_older\diaou.conf
(Replace "full_path_towards_older" by the appropriate value of your old diaou.conf file. For example : C:\users\your_login_name\FDiaou-1-7\diaou.conf )
This order will import the lessons, the associated sound files and the data base of your previous Diaoulek version. On a USB key this step can last as much as 20 mn, you can look at the directory FOUND filling up ! Then the Diaoulek session will stop.
You will start a new Diaoulek session. On a USB key the starting time can reach half an hour, during that long time you can look at the directory FOUND getting empty. When the session has started, you will write in the command line : !ccdb
This will verify and if necessary correct and adapt your data-base.
You can now continue with the 2.04.00 version.

4) Loading and updating of the lessons. This is only for the Breton-French or English-French lessons.
You will write in the command line the order !update. The software will connect to Internet and download lessons or audio files, then the Diaoulek session will stop.
You will launch again a new Diaoulek session. On a USB key,the loading time can reach up to half an hour. During that time you can look at the directory FOUND getting empty. When the session has started, you have to write in the command line the order : !ccdb
This will verify and if necessary correct and adapt your data-base and it will force the software to take into account the new version of the dictionaries.
You have now the new version of the software with an updated data-base.

All the steps given above are detailed into the Quick-Start guide.

Download section for Linux :

Remark : This version 2.04.00 makes use of the GTK3 graphic library. Unfortunately I was not able to compute a "Snap package" for this version (the sound was not working).

Compilation of software Furch-Diaoulek from the sources
Though Furch-Diaoulek was developed on Linux, installing a software on a Linux system is always a very tedious job when there is no packaged binaries.
In that case, you have to find the dependencies by trial and error. Fairly often, you will install much more packages than necessary.
In order to help you in your search, you have to know that the FDiaoulek software depends only on gcc, GTK3, libsndfile, libasound2, mpg123, libsamplerate and on library libcurl for the connection to Internet. Some of these libraries are already on your system but it will be necessary to add the ".dev" packages to perform the compilation.

For the software installation :

You will download the archive :

You will first unzip the archive by the command :
tar -xvf FDiaou_2_04_00_src.tgz
This will create a directory D2.04 containing everything needed for the compilation of the software. You have a README.txt file where all the details necessary to make software FDiaoulek 2.04 work on your computer are given.

You can also use the included icon to make a launcher on your desktop. For example on Ubuntu or Mint, have a right click on the desktop -- create launcher -- /home/xxxx/D2.04/diaou.x

From time to time check for new versions of the already published lessons or for entirely new ones. For that, you only need to write !update in the command line located on top of the left window.

Available lessons :

The Breton to French lessons are available here :
Lessons Breton-French

But you will also obtain up to date lessons by the order !update.

You can also download the following dictionaries from the FreeDict project :
